The girls are back, school's out, and today starts VBS week with me teaching kindergarten. Naturally, I've got this amazing idea for a new book... !
For my non-local readers, it's been dark days since our last check-in. On Friday, Day 45 since the explosion, oil washed up on our beaches.
Along with it came the smell of paint, disinfectent and hot tar. And the pictures of oil-soaked pelicans, the stories of dead dolphins and sea turtles, and the destruction of underwater habitats.
Today is #48, and the oil continues to flow at a rate of 5,000 barrels per day. Now they're talking about the extermination of sperm whales and other endangered species...
This isn't a political blog, but I find I've taken a side on drilling in the Gulf. Care to guess which it is?
On a more positive note, there's a new, fashionable way to support local wildlife relief efforts: has created a supercute "Rescue Me" T-shirt, and all proceeds go to saving the Gulf marine life. Here's the link--scoot yourself over there and buy one now! They also come in kids' sizes.
The National Wildlife Federation has also set up a site for talking to kids about the oil spill. Click here for that page. To report oiled wildlife, call (866) 557-1401; to request volunteer info., call (866) 448-5816.
This is in addition to the links I put at the end of my May 27 post, "Oh, Black Water."
And on a quest for "lighten the mood" music, I found a podcast on iTunes called "St Tropez Beach House" that has great, free dance mixes.
I feel this must be wrong, but it is so good.
Go there and dowload Rihanna's "Please Don't Stop the Music" and shake that pain away. It's summer sharing, music edition. What's your favorite lose the blues tune?
A big Thank You to everyone who recommended books last Thursday! Anybody seeking escape via literature (recommended by cool people who read this blog), check out the comments section of that post.
I can't wait to get my hands on some makeup-wearing bullfighters, kudzu queens and guernsey literary and potato peel societies.
I also revisited Prodigal Summer by B. Kingsolver over the weekend, and I still like it very much. I also still can't quite say why--and I didn't recall it being so sexy-sexy--however... :o) JRM has announced he'll read it next.
LTM: It's very... earthy.
JRM: All her books are earthy.
LTM: Yes, but this one's very earthy....
I'll leave you with this memory. Our Gulf, Oct. 2009. "Just another day in paradise" we used to say.
Oh the oil spill makes us absolutely sick to our stomachs all the way up in Indiana! I can't even imagine being closer. It's just terrible...ugh.
On another note, did you know Barbara Kingsolver is a Depauw grad?
Sweet Carey Jo--every dead turtle is a knife in the heart. It's beyond sad. We walk around just heavy. Those babies~
I didn't realize til my last post what a B.K. lover I am! And she's an Indiana native? Figures... :o) miss you guys~
Leigh, it is truly sad how much this oil spill is affecting our wildlife and people. I fear there will be a terrible "snow-ball" effect from all of this. The t-shirt link is really cool and I am proud to see that some in our country want to help, in whatever way they are able.
Our boys started VBS today also. I think I accomplished, hmm...nothing! At least your mind was ticking thinking of a new story! I will be happy if I can complete just this one! :) Here's to tomorrow!
You can do it, Scarlett! :o)
Summer is so hard. At least during school, we've got blocks of time. Now it's straight Mommy guilt anytime I sit at the computer... I'm 30 pages in, and the rest is just sitting in my brain weighing me down. ;p
Read this great post on another blog about it. See what you think:
Summer Jam: "LDN" by Lilly Allen
for more classic rockin: "Sweet Home Alabama", so I really need to say by who?!?
"Soviet Kitsch" by Regina Specktor (i like Regina, period)!
There's others, but they involve OLDER songs, since my Billboard top 100 is out of date!!!
I like the bouncing ball effect in LDN... I could be out of date, but that darn iTunes combined with EW keeps me in some kind of touch. Still, stuck in my head right now? Oh ooh, the sweetest thing~ ;o)
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