If you participated, you know I forgot about our dear Michael DiGesu's blogfest where we all told how we spent our summers. (Argh!)
But as writers, we've learned the importance of patience (through much tears, wailing, and self-medicating--*wink*). Lucky for me.
As for my summer, well, I spent it moving 850 miles due north!
In 2004, my Louisiana-native self left Indianapolis, Ind., with my little family and relocated to Spanish Fort, Ala.
Hubs got a great job, it was closer to family, and we were less than an hour from this:
I just knew it was God's way of rewarding me for being such a great person... (...right?)
Seriously, though, I'd spent my life saying I would live at the beach. When we relocated, I figured it had happened, and I would never move again.
Just when you think that, right?
So hubs got a better job working with great friends, and since he makes the big bucks in our little family unit (and supports my writing habit), we headed back to the Midwest.
Before I left, though--literally, like the week before--I helped chaperone a few HS seniors on a seven-day Caribbean cruise.
I know.
I know.
You have to understand when I was asked to do it, exactly one year ago today, I had no clue I'd be moving 850 miles due north nine months later (a.k.a., within a week of the cruise dates).
Clearly, I went anyway (it was too late to back out), and it was so great. I was able to visit with a friend I've known since before she was born, and it was a fun, fun week in an otherwise stressful summer.
And here we are, and things are moving forward again, albeit not as quickly as I would like. Which brings us to the patience part.
First, there are two things I don't talk about here on the blog, and one of them is religion. I was brought up to be polite, so you can guess the other.
But I do pray. A lot. And patience is one of those virtues that gets me down. If I have to wait for any good thing to happen, I immediately fall down the negative spiral.
You don't have to tell me, "Don't do that!" I know I shouldn't do that, but it's just my personality. No matter how many years go by, how many situations work out well, I still go straight for the worst reasons why whenever I'm forced to wait.
I'm very When Harry Met Sally, in the whole, "If it's in my power to make something good happen, I want to make it happen as soon as possible." (Or something like that.)
So I've been feeling all negative-spiraley lately about how recent events have impacted my writing momentum, but we've started visiting this little church around the corner. On Sunday, the interim pastor read the following verse:
"You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way." (Jas. 1: 3-4, MSG)
I can't say that verse made me feel better, but it resonated with me. I hope it encourages someone out there reading this as well. Hang in there--that which does not kill us, makes us stronger.
Til Thursday, reader- and writer-friends~ <3
Moving is a huge deal! That would take a lot of work and a lot of time! That's a great verse - thanks for sharing.
I'm sure moving took a lot out of you. The cruise sounded great. We all go through the spiraling down or out of control phase. Have a good week.
We need to move soon. I'm not in a rush because it is draining (plus moving to a bigger house mean more cleaning and less writing). :P
I hope you get your writing mojo back full force soon!
Such self-sacrifice - helping chaperone a few HS seniors on a seven-day Caribbean cruise! Not sure I could do that. I probably come back with a few less.
Yay for helping out with chaperoning seniors!!
Now I'm all for embracing dark moods because they are part and parcel of what makes you, you. I guess the trick is not to let these overwhelm and take over. But your post shows that you so have the strength of character to snap right back out of these moods. So double Yay for you! Take care
Wow, you've had a busy summer! Living near a beach sounds fun. As for the downward spiral thingy, I think we all do that at some points in our lives. I call it funk. It comes by many names. As long as you have support, as long as you can find inspiration in your dark hour, you'll be alright. And praying does help. ;)
Btw, I have an award for you: http://readywritego.blogspot.com/2011/09/green-looks-good-on-me-i-think.html
Hang in there, sweets! And take the comfort where you can find it.:)
I agree. The 'patience is a virtue' thing is totally over rated. LOL!
Seriously though, I think impatience is part of our society as a whole now. We don't take the time to sit back and let things take their course. We want instant grratification. Last night, my husband was trying to get the kids to work on a complicated model toy. Yeah. Playstation anyone?
I've moved a lot since I "moved out" and every time, I suffer a writing slump :-( Hang in there. Your posts always resonate. Thank you.
Writing habit, huh? Is that what we're calling it now?
Moving is one of the most stressful things we can do.
When I have a negative writing spiral, I take a break and pray.
@Laura--you bet, and you're absolutely right. I keep waiting for my little boat to get back on track, and so far... patience. :p
@Nick--LOL! Well, I thought it was fun, but you'd be surprised all the peeps who've told me they'd *never* do such a thing... I guess you gotta know your kids. ;p
@Cherie--It's all true. And you are too sweet--and possibly psychic. ;p THANKS, honey! <3
@LBD--It's true. And I'm doing that, it's just been one of those weeks where it feels like the ceiling's the limit. :p
Okay, so . . . the second thing you don't talk about on this blog is vegetables, right? Because it could be very offensive to an eggplantif you said you didn't like one or something. ;)
And I hear you on the downward spiral thing. So easy to say "don't." Not so easy to DO "don't."
So much good comes from our trials, but that doesn't make it easier to live through. Patience just might be a major shortcoming of mine, too.
Ah, your summer was so much better than mine :( I've spent mine translating four books from TRUE BLOOD series, and it was the most horrid experience ever. The worst written books I've ever read.
It almost killed me without making me stronger :)
Yep, I can definitely relate to this post. I'm an impatient sort as well. I'm slowly learning to find things to distract myself from my impatience. For example I have a couple of pieces on submission and rather than checking my email every five minutes, I'm working on a new project. It doesn't always work, though hehehe ;)
We all have negative spirals. I hope yours starts twirling in a better direction. Hugs!
I pray a lot too! I'd be lost without my faith and reliance on Him. Some days are better than others. But all in all I need to pray or I go south in a hurry.
What an encouraging post. First of all, I just booked a cruise yesterday (my first) so I'm glad you enjoyed it. Second, I really hope everything with your move--the new locations, the neighbors, the unpacking--goes well. Third, I've been there in that spiral. It's hard but I take comfort in prayer and scripture as well. It's always a good place to go. Thank you for sharing.
@Stephen--it's so true. And now I'm thinking of MC Hammer... LOL! :D
Ah, it sounds like you're going through some hard times. Hang in there. I'm pulling for you. If you ever need to vent, feel free to shoot me an email.
What a summer! Mine feels very boring and slow in comparison. :)
Hang in there.
I read this yesterday but didn't have time to comment. You've had a ton on your plate lately, girl. Hopefully autumn treats you right. <3
@Liz--*snort* Boring and slow are not always bad things... :D Thanks, girl~ <3
Oh my goodness, you had such a busy summer! The cruise does sound fantastic, though.
I'm glad those words made you feel a bit better. I'm terrible with patience Ever since I was little, I was always told not to rush and to slow down! Plus ca change...
This post was worth waiting for, Leigh. I am glad the past gave you food for thought.
It is true. Live does wear on our patience so waiting does make us stronger.
Thankfully I am patient. I learned LONG ago that nothing in my life came easy for me. I always had to work hard and wait until the timing was right.
I even named my blog In Time ... because it takes time to achieve or goals. SO hang in there. Talk to us and we will be there for each other.
Leogh - Wow, a very busy summer for you. The whole moving thing - bah - I thought I'd escaped it. Probably not. ;D
Great verse. I'm going to remember that. Thanks! Patience isn't my thing either.
Leigh - I KNOW how to spell your name - my fingers are still asleep. ;(
You can take comfort in the fact that our TIGERS are doing their part towards putting a smile on your face. :)
I love your attitude:)
I feel for ya on the move. I'm grateful we didn't end up having to. Very, very, very grateful. Hope you're all settling in all right.
I'm no a very patient person, so I can understand not having much. It's easy to get frustrated in this journey. Know you're not alone.
@Lindsay--thanks, girl! I'm trying~ :o) <3
I have a love/hate relationship with that verse :0 I pray a lot too. I've also moved a lot, so maybe there's a connection there :)
It seems to me that the last time I had to move, there was a lot of praying involved. That verse is exactly what I needed to hear right now. Thanks for posting!
Wow, you're living in Alabama now; glad to hear the hubbs got a great job and you're all closer to family! Nice that he supports your writing habit--!!
I know what you mean by the patience (even with praying). It's easy to feel negative when you're waiting. And waiting. I feel your pain. LOL We want patience, and we want it NOW!!! ;o)
Though I'm not religious, I have absolutely no patience whatsoever either. When I was more spiritual, I tended toward the "here, God, I know you're working on this right now, but you're super busy with all those other people so let ME help YOU out - I'll just take it back and do it". Hahahahaha. It always ended up so much worse. And I never learned my lesson. I totally feel you on that one. You survived the move! I can't wait to read where you are one year from now. The kids will be settled in and you won't even remember all the stress, right? ;-)
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