Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Same Bat Channel...

Tune in tomorrow for a special post. In the meantime, I #amediting.

But there's so much happening this week. Be sure and stop by WRiTE CLUB on DL's blog (link)! Get feedback on the first 500 words of any writing sample by going head to head against another writer.

And don't forget the largest, free online Kidlit writing convention is happening right now.

Have your query critiqued, first pages reviewed, get feedback from real ninja agents and participate in online chats... Did I mention it's FREE?

I'm back tomorrow; have a great day, reader- and writer-friends! <3


Pat Hatt said...

Sounds like plenty going on indeed.

StratPlayerCJF said...

Hey Leigh! I hope you're soon #finishededitingwithaamazinglypolishms!

See ya tomorrow!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

It does indeed sound like you have a lot on your plate ... at least with activities there are no calories!

The only writer I compete against is myself. My friends I pull for not butt heads! :-)

Matthew MacNish said...

Okie dokie, artichokie.

Old Kitty said...


Take care

M Pax said...

There is tons going on lately.

LTM said...

Thanks, Chris! It's actually editing for *work* so not my stuff. But I've been pushing it. I've got to start #amwriting over here! :D Hope you're doing great! <3

DL Hammons said...

I would have loved to take part in WriteOnCon this year, but I got swamped (we're talking Gators here!)

And didn't anybody tell you its bad form to post a profile picture of yourself in your twenties!! :)

Anonymous said...

WriteOnCon was awesome!