Monday, January 31, 2011

I'll be Back

It's Monday, but I'm all tied up.

No, I'm not on the run from a hostile alien cyborg sent from the future to kill me before I have a baby who may or may not end up being his own grandpaw.

That part's a little fuzzy in my memory.

A silly work situation's requiring all my hours through today. It's part of the reason I haven't been able to make the rounds since Thursday.

I'm sorry.

But I'm thinking of you, and I miss your funny thoughts and insights.

In the meantime, say a little prayer, send some positive vibes, etc., this way. I'll update you ASAP!

Until Thursday, if not sooner~  <3


Unknown said...

Fatty prayers coming your way. It's a prayer/hug bundle, just so I don't catch you unaware.

Vicki Rocho said... knew I'd be stopping by today so you went into hiding. Sigh. I'll swing by again on Thursday

Old Kitty said...

Am sending you tons and tons of prayers and warm fuzzy hugs!!! Take care please!!! See you soon! x

DEZMOND said...

ah, you gotta earn the money first, we understand :)

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Prayers back at you, sweets!! Enjoy your week. Always sending you supportive thoughts.

Stina said...

Good luck with the work. We'll miss you until your return!

Angela said...

Hope you get some free, fun time soon.

vic caswell said...

consider yourself prayed for! :)

Colene Murphy said...

Hope it gets resolved soon!! Been missing your wonderful self!

Hart Johnson said...

Hang in there, Leigh! You'll get it done!

Talli Roland said...

Thinking of you, thinking of you! Hope the work gets all sorted out. Hugs!

Michael Di Gesu said...

We think of you, too. And so miss your fun comments. Sending lots of good vibes and big bear hugs...


Myne said...

HUGS! I pray everything works out well.

Unknown said...

I'm all tied up... that sounds dirty ;)

Mason Canyon said...

Sending positive thoughts. Know you have to be busy, but take care too. See ya soon.

Thoughts in Progress

Melissa said...

Positive thoughts from me are on their way!

I'm with Jen... I'm all tied up sounds dirty!

LTM said...

ergh! (((big hugs))) to all of you. I was hoping for a ray of sunshine yesterday that didn't come. Sigh.

But you all are very sunny. Thanks!

Jen/Mel, if you're trying to make me grin... it worked. Sillies. :o) xoxo <3