Mardi Gras is Wednesday, and it is full-blast carnival time in south Alabama (and south Louisiana). The girls are out of school, and I'm actually out of town.
It's a great time to have fun, so here's a short post on some humorous errors reading will help you avoid...
And just because this makes me blow coffee through my nose every time, the citizens of Ghana are not known as Gonorrheans.
I don't know what they're called, but it's not that.
I'll cut it off there, but please share yours! I lurv reading stuff like this. And while you're out, save a bookstore--buy a book and read it. Then buy another...
Happy Mardi Gras, reader-friends. Til Thursday~ <3
It's a great time to have fun, so here's a short post on some humorous errors reading will help you avoid...
- "Once a Pony Time" is actually "Once Upon a Time."
- The point is not moo. The point is moot.
- Ideas do not dong on you. (Like a doorbell.) They dawn on you. (Like the sunrise.)
- You don't get Crawfish Tale dinners for $5 in so-La. (Unless Thibodeaux tags along chatting your ear off about his escapades on the bayou with Boudreaux.) It should be Tail.
- God's name is not Howard. (Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.)
- Nightmares are not night bears. (Don't scare the children more than they already are.)
And just because this makes me blow coffee through my nose every time, the citizens of Ghana are not known as Gonorrheans.
I don't know what they're called, but it's not that.
I'll cut it off there, but please share yours! I lurv reading stuff like this. And while you're out, save a bookstore--buy a book and read it. Then buy another...
Happy Mardi Gras, reader-friends. Til Thursday~ <3
"The ants are my friends...they're blowing in the wind...the ants 're blowing in the wind." Or something like that....
erm - answers, not ants are. :D
Have fun; sounds great, wish I could go. My brother and his new wife, Ant Sara are coming to town. The kids are excited. They are a pear of clowns, should be lots of laughs~
haha! I can only remember one from mmy childhood. "Why do the Youth in Asia want to die?" ;o)
Bahahaha! Howard. Oh man. That really did make me laugh...
And. This. Made. Me. Almost. CRY! I haven't seen a Mardi Gras in 5 years and it's really starting to depress! I'm going to have to come your way next year or lose my mind ;)
=) Thanks for the smile!
Haha! They're Ghanaians, but I had to look it up :) Thank goodness I wasn't drinking coffee when I read that! Ha!
Wouldn't it be cool if God's name were Howard? We could call him Howie. I can dig it.
Hope you're having a great time away from home. Happy Mardi Gras!
I'd actually love me some nightmares if they were night bears :)
LOL. Thank you for cheering me up!
Hee hee! Happy Mardi Gras! Howard. That's funny! :0) Thanks, christy
I had to laugh at this one: The point is not moo. The point is moot. HAHAHA
I knew God would've picked a better name than Howard!!! Not that there's anything wrong with the name Howard - sorry any Howards out there!! Howard's a fine fine name (just not very god-like!!) Ok, off I run away now!!! Take care
These are great, but I'm wracking my brain and can't think of any to share. So I'm just enjoying yours and everyone elses! Thanks for the smile :)
Leigh - Very funny!
One thing, I think ideas to dong on me. LOL Kidding.
Hope you're having a great night. =D
Very cute post! It made me laugh :)
I can never remember those kinds of funny mistakes off the top of my head though I know I've seen them. :(
That's so funny! God's name is not Howard! Never heard that one before.
Funny list.
Oh the benefits of reading!
Happy Fat Tuesday! I remember saying this when I was a kid: Finder keepers, loser sweepers! Maybe it had something to do with all those extra chores I had to do for being such a troublemaker:)
Okay, so I'm sitting here with the California Cows (You know the Happy Cows) and they inform me that it IS, in fact, a moo point.
LOL! You guys are crackin me up! :D Aisha--I'm glad to give you a smile! @Laura--I know. I do the same thing. I forgot about my youngest (very seriously) correcting us all that it was "Beaver, Mom. Justin Beaver."
Happy Mardi Gras~ <3
Those are great, I'm sure I know some, but my mind is a blank, as usual.
I'll share one that my kid brought to my attention. He wanted to know what "black toast intolerance" was. He meant Lactose Intolerance.
That took a while to straighten out.
Never been to Mardi Gras. Actually quite glad God's name isn't Howard--I just don't peg Him as a Howard, y'know?
Haha :) this made me laugh outloud. Hilarious stuff. And I agree that reading makes you smarter :)
Sarah Allen
(my creative writing blog)
Happy Mardi Gras! I can't believe some of those examples you gave ...! Ok, here's one that makes my toes curl: You don't pique his interest, you peak it. And don't peek in her diary, unless you want to throw her into a pique.
Hahaa love it!
I hope you post some of your amazing vacation pictures here. Chad and I have already looked at them a couple of times. So gorgeous!
I had a Cajun roommate once. He spoke English but on occassion would unleash Cajun on me. It's like speaking to a drunken Brit (many many friends like this over the years). We all speak English but I have no idea what the heck they are saying.
Happy Mardi Gras!
Hi Leigh .. have fun - Mardi Gras sounds great ..
Love the stories .. especially the Ghanaian one .. but all of them ...
We were all home from an exeat from boarding schools .. and my youngest brother was asked what he was studying and he said 'vocabultry' .. we were in hysterics trying to work out what he was talking about .. eventually we realised Latin vocabulary!
Kids .. and life - cheers Hilary
Being a mother I should have tons of these- lol but the one I will share is Fathom-
its really a story more than anything my 9 yr old was reading Edgar Allen Poe and she asked about Fathom and then later tried to use it, but used it wrong while talking to her friends. I wish I could remember what she said...but yeah- these are great!
@Stephen--well, it is sort of a mixture of French and English... And I can't wait to get your book! :o)
@Hil--I like it! Vocabultry. Good one! :o)
@Summer--kids are the funniest. Fathoms below, maybe? I'm trying to make that Nevermore, but it isn't working... :D good stuff~
I kind of like the image of ideas donging on me. Nice of them to make it clear that they're an idea. :D
These were fabulous! What a way to brighten my day! Sorry I haven't been around... just know I still heart you like crazy :)
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