Monday, April 18, 2011

Be Here Tomorrow!

Hey, guys! I'm winging my way back from Indianapolis, where I've been house-hunting and spending time with my sweet hubby. I'll be back tomorrow with something inspirational, I hope.

If not, I'll go for funny.

If not funny, I'll at least try for jarring. :D

Miss you all, hope you had a great weekend! Til tomorrow~ <3


Stina said...

How about jarringly funny or funnily jarring? ;)

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Heart U! Hope the hunting went well. :)

DEZMOND said...

hope the hunt has resulted in some big magical beast in your house hunting bag :)

Unknown said...

I think I fixed it! I can't wait to see what zany post you come up with.

Old Kitty said...

Can't wait!!!

Take care

Tracy said...

I truly hope you find a house and feel the excitement for your move tonew adventures...I also want to know if you've come down out of your cloud yet? by no means do you even have to. Your news is fun and exciting! I share in it!
keep us posted and can't wait to hear if you've found a house!

Tara said...

Hope you had a productive trip!

Talli Roland said...

Happy happy travels - hope you had a successful weekend! :)

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Good luck with the house hunt.

See you tomorrow.

Creepy Query Girl said...

I'm up for all three! Good luck!

erica and christy said...

Just hearing about what you've been up to sounds pretty darn inspiring. Hope it was productive!