#1-You might be a redneck if...
You've been married three times and you still have the same in-laws.
OK, one more...
#2-You might be a redneck if...
You lit a match in the bathroom and your house exploded right off its wheels.
* * *
OK. I'm getting lots of VERY nice feedback re: this here blog via Facebook, email, etc. Thank You, All! I aim to entertain! And please feel free to leave those comments here. I really do think I fixed whatever was causing the problem before.
Now everyone's asking, What's all this about a book? What's the story?
Well, I'm still looking for an agent, so I'm loath to put too much out there. That's probably not the right approach. Maybe I should put it all out there. I don't know. I'm so new at this...
Sorry, The Book. Well... OK. Here's the plot in a nutshell (deep breath):
Heading into junior year, 16 year-old Anna is expecting the worst. Her best friend has just moved, and she's left with kids who only care about trucks, football and fishing.
Enter sophisticated, wealthy twins—beautiful Lucy with a troubled past, and striking, aloof Jack. They're transfer students from an exclusive private school on ritzy Ono Island, and as Anna gets to know them, she finds a friend in Lucy and what might be first love with Jack.
But all isn't right at their home. Lucy engages in self-destructive behavior, and Jack is sullen and withdrawn. Their mother is dead, and their father is strangely detached.
When Anna's pal Julian, a promising young art student, begins making romantic overtures, she finds herself unexpectedly drawn to him.
Then, during the course of a student internship at her local paper, Anna discovers the twin's father's long-guarded secret. He insists she must keep quiet. But his secret involves Julian, and Anna is determined the truth must come out.
* * *
So ring-a-ding-ding, that's the plot in a nutshell--75,000-words of commercial YA fiction.
I already told you it's not Cormack McCarthy, but it IS suspenseful and romantic, and test readers have been V. positive.
The unique part is that I incorporated lots of fun Baldwin County elements in the setting--the local art scene, local places, and even some local folklore. I tried to capture the great art community we have here, and I really think readers will get a sense of life in this area. In a good way!
The character development's solid, it's funny at times, and it's fast-paced. Being an admitted book-putter-downer (and never picker upper again-er), I tried to avoid all the things that make me stop reading. I think it works.
So, yay! Anybody know a good literary agent?
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