Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's a Blommunity

It was so fantastic to watch Talli Roland's debut novel The Hating Game soar up the Amazon charts yesterday.

Maybe it was because I'd just read an agent saying publishers didn't care about blogs, because "even if you have hundreds of followers, that's no guarantee they'll all run out and buy your book."

Maybe it was because Talli's one of my bleeps, and I'd just done a Thanksgiving post about how supportive our little writing community is.

Maybe it was because I'm a fan of horse races, and I love it when the underdog comes out of nowhere and wins big.

As far as I know, Talli didn't have a huge marketing budget, but when I checked the numbers before signing off last night, her book was at #25 on the Amazon UK site and #591 on the mac-daddy site.

Update: This just in, she ended up at #24 on Amazon UK, #460 on Woo!!!

I don't know how many units that equals, but I do know Talli has 569 blog followers. She's also got 1,173 followers on Twitter, but I bet several of those are also blog followers. My point is, I bet more than 1,742 units were moved.

Sure, it could be described as expert social networking, but I think it's more than that. I've said it before--this writing community is the greatest. The members truly care and want each other to succeed.

That might not mean everyone moves from zero to the Top 100 on Amazon in one day, but I don't know. It might.

For sure it means there's always someone helping another writer out (or several). From Alex and Stephen popping up all over the place last month to Clarissa's three book deal (Karen G!). Even Matt's always-kind Query critiques are such a helpful resource.

And it's not just tangible help. There's support like when Jessica felt insecure about her MC's voice and got 50 virtual hugs and words of encouragement, or when I freaked out over a revision request and got 31 kicks in the pants... (e'rhm words of encouragement). Thank you!

Yep. It was nice watching what we could do yesterday, and swapping emails and comments as everyone cheered on one of our buddies. The blogosphere was pink and purple, and it was too cool.

So Hooray for Talli! And here's to everyone who splashed her up the charts.

Have a great weekend~ <3


Unknown said...

Talli had a HUGE day. It was amazing. Our community really is the best. With that said, I hope you never ever go away. :D

Christine Danek said...

This community is the best. TAlli is so awesome and I can't wait to read her book.
Have a great day!

Jessica Bell said...

Wasn't it SO BRILLIANT! Being a part of this wonderful blog community has got to be one of the BEST parts of my life. I'm serious. I've never ever in my wildest dreams imagined I'd have so much support from cyber friends. It's truly amazing and I wish I had the time to give each and every one of my followers the blog love I wish I could. But it's impossible. That's where givewaways come in. It shows my appreciation. and I SOOOOOO appreciate it. And way to go Talli. She just knocked the sense into every agent in the world who thinks blogs aren't important. WOOT!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday was an amazing day for Talli. I'm glad so many people pitched in to help. See what a little help from your friends can do?

Carolyn Abiad said...

You are so right! The support for Talli was amazing yesterday and it does prove blogs work. I've been such a lousy blogger lately. No time to comment on my bloggery pals and such... I feel a New Year's resolution coming on!!!

Melissa said...

Definitely my favorite part about this community is the support. It is incredible and makes me so happy that I can say I'm a part of something like this!

Angie said...

That is exciting! It is a great community. I really had no idea what I was getting into when I started my blog. :)

LTM said...

I agree with all, and Jessica added the perfect P.S. @Stephen & Mel--so true. Didn't the Beatles even write a song about it~ :o) <3

Old Kitty said...

Yay! It was such fun yesterday!! Go Talli!! And good luck you crazy passionate writers! Take care

Hart Johnson said...

It's really encouraging, isn't it--to see what can be done in this little universe of ours...

Vicki Rocho said...

Who knew you could have so many friends that you've never even met?

We all totally rock!

Natasha said...

Who knew you would have so many people egging you on every step of the way? But you do.

Long may the blogging community live.

LTM said...

@Rayna--you're so right. ((group hug)) ;p <3

Shannon said...

Well said! I love this community - it's nice to see others appreciate how truly awesome everyone is. <3

Summer Ross said...

Great post! This community is wonderful, truly. I'm always amazed by everyone's support and encouragement on fellow blogger/writers. Its great to be apart of such a great bunch of people!

Tracy said...

It is pretty crazy what people can do when they bond together. I think, if you write a great book and can get even 50 of your followers to read it and sing it's praises the effects really sky rocket.

Truthfully, if I only see something mentioned once or twice, or by one person alone, I'm not likely to remember it for long (life is too crazy for my short term memory). But if enough people mention something often enough it really does start to stick.

LTM said...

So true, Shannon--and now you're helping, too! :o)
@Summer--I agree totally! :o)
@Tracy--that's the kind of math I like! And you're right. I've added several titles to my TBR list based on repeated, positive blog mentions. :o) <3

RosieC said...

You're so right. I've been amazed since joining the online community as to how supportive everyone is. I love "knowing" you and all of the bloggers out there. I'm glad you pointed it out.

Demitria said...

I'm new to blogging, but it seems like everyone is extrememly nice and supportive.

LTM said...

@Rosie--yep, same here! :o)
@Demitria--welcome! It is a good group, and there's a great sense of camaraderie and helpfulness. All the best~ :o) <3

Unknown said...

I've bought but haven't started Talli's book yet because I currently reading Stephen Tremps book and then I have to read Laura Eno's debut book as well. But, I feel it's so important to support our blog writers but buying their book. I will try to do it for everyone that produces a novel. What a great post. Have a great weekend and thanks for the mention.


Jennie Bailey said...

Our community really rocks it! Yay for Talli! I'm soooo happy for her. I ordered my mom a Kindle today for Christmas so I'll be adding it as soon as I get that puppy in the mail. I have to get everything on and ready to read for mom (she's not that good with all that 'fancy' stuff, but she did so want a Kindle). This is such a great community! I love the support, I love that we can learn from each other, I just LOVE!

PK HREZO said...

I concur. It was just so awesome to see Talli's success. She worked hard for it. And this is such an amazing and inspiring community. So much support and encouraement. Writers are just stellar peeps... no other way to say it.

Susan Kaye Quinn said...

I'm really in love with the blogging community this week (more than normal) - which makes me wish I had more time for comments. Alas.

In any event, I've added The Hating Game to my monstrous TBR. :)

Julie Musil said...

I totally agree! This community is amazing. It's like one giant hugging, supporting, chatting machine. It's awesome.

LTM said...

@PK--I agree so much! Very supportive and postive! Just overall good vibes~ :o)

Talli Roland said...

Wednesday was SUCH an amazing day for me, and I was so overwhelmed with all the support here and on Twitter. This community is SO incredible and generous and it just goes to show the power of social media -- and more importantly, FRIENDS!

Thank you so much for all your help! I still feel all squishy and warm inside. And that's not the wine talking (mostly).

RaShelle Workman said...

Leigh - How are you, girl? Hopefully good. You seem so. I think Talli's success is sooo wonderful. So happy for her. the blogging community is awesome. No doubt about it! =D

Ella said...

It is an amazing community; so much kindness and enthusiasm! I love to see and be part of this kind of support~ Talli-ho I mean Go, climb those charts!